Day: April 9, 2024


Eyelash Extensions Care Northern Beaches

Eyelash Extensions Care Northern Beaches

Eyelash Extensions Care Northern Beaches for a semi-permanent beauty solution to give your peepers that dramatic boost, eyelash extensions are perfect. They are an affordable and effortless way to get the thicker, longer, darker lashes you’ve always wanted without the hassle of metal curlers,

Keeping Up with Lash Extensions Maintenance in Northern Beaches mascara or crooked strip lashes.

Eyelash extensions are individual synthetic lashes (that can be single or fanned) that are adhered to each natural lash one by one for a fuller, thicker effect. There are a wide variety of lengths, curls, and styles to choose from so your lash technician can match the best look for you.

Depending on your personal preferences and the length of time you keep your extensions, you may need infills to maintain their appearance. It is recommended that you return every 2-3 weeks for a touch up.

It’s important that you follow the aftercare tips your lash artist provides to help extend the life of your eyelash extensions. Avoid rubbing your eyes or picking at your lashes as this can cause them to fall off prematurely. It’s also best to stay away from oil-based skincare or cosmetic products near your eyes as this can break down the adhesive bond.

To get the best results from your lash extension treatment, it’s important that you choose a professional who is fully qualified to apply them. You should also avoid going to unlicensed places as this could lead to poor application and injury.