Whether you’re a guy who wants to show off some personality or just look on trend, men’s dangle earrings are a great way to go. And because there are a wide variety of styles, it’s easy to find the perfect earrings for your look.
The newest trend for straight guys is to wear dangly earrings. These can be as subtle as a pair of small hoop earrings or as flashy as a big gold chain. And they can be worn in both casual and formal settings. But if you’re new to earrings, it’s important to choose the right style for your personality and lifestyle.
Elevate Your Earring Game: Exploring Men’s Drop Earrings and Their Unique Appea
For example, a guy who works in an office would probably not want to wear a giant skull-shaped earring. And a guy who likes to hit the gym or play basketball would not want an earring that could get caught on a sweaty shirt.
Other considerations are how the earring is fastened. Most earrings have one of two fasteners: latch backs or push backs. Latch backs have a hinged post and a metal catch that attaches to the earring. Push backs have a friction or butterfly shape that slides up on the post until secure.
Finally, consider how the earring will fit your piercing. For example, a regular men’s stud will fit a standard earlobe piercing. But if you want to go bigger, try a tunnel or plug. Tunnels are cylindrical earrings that sit in a piercing and can be stretched out to the desired gauge size. And plugs are circular earrings that sit a little further out from the earlobe and give you a more dramatic look.